>> Saturday, March 27, 2010

Article II

The powers of the Supreme Council of the government shall be:
1. Policies - To adopt measures for maintaining and developing its existence, issuing such orders as it believes adequate for the preservation and security of the civil and political life of the nation.
2. Budget - To impose and collect taxes, to issue foreign and domestic loans, when necessary, and to issue paper money, to coin money and to appropriate the funds collected to the purposes required by the several branches of the State.
3. Teaties - To authorise privateering and issue letters of marque and reprisal, to raise and organise troops and to maintain them, to ratify treaties, and to make a treaty of peace with Spain, with the ratification of the Assembly of Representatives.
4. Judicial Powers - To try as a judicial body, should they think necessary, the President or any of the members of the Council, who should be accused of crimes, cognisance of which appertains to the Judicial Power.
5. Military Authority - To have the right of supervision and supreme direction of military operations, when they believe it to be necessary for the consummation of high political ends. To approve, reform or modify the Regulations and orders for the Army, prepared by the Captain-General of the Army; to confer grades and promotions, from that of first lieutenant and to confer honours and rewards granted for services in war, at the recommendation of the said Captain-General of the Army.
6. Selection of Military Leaders - To select and nominate a Captain-General and a Lieutenant General.
7. Congregation of the Assembly of the Representatives - To convene the Assembly of Representatives when necessary, in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution.


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